
As we enter into the cold and flu season, and especially since Akron just narrowly missed an Ebola outbreak, I felt compelled to write about probiotics this month. Probiotics are known for helping gastrointestinal issues. Having the normal amount of bacteria in your intestines can not only help digestion, bowel motility and nutrient absorption, but […]

SIBO- What’s going on in there?

If you read around online in the integrative, functional medicine, and/or digestive health space, you may have encountered this acronym: SIBO (usually pronounced “seebow”), which is easy-speak for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth  …  no wonder there’s a short form! SIBO can cause many gut related symptoms ranging from abdominal bloating, belching, gas, flatulence, cramps, diarrhea, […]

What exactly is Leaky Gut?


Many of you, no doubt, will have heard the term “leaky gut”, as it’s become a popular topic in health and wellness circles and online. But I’ve heard that if you mention it to certain doctors, they can have a somewhat negative reaction, or even say they “don’t believe in that”. If, however you look […]